Full time employee with option to put money into a HSA account. I believe up to 2-3k a year.
I will have to do more research on this when I get to work but I’m not sure if you have to spend it by the end of the year or if it rolls over.
My understanding is that it’s tax free and can be spent on medical expenses. I get taxed like 1k a check and I’m wondering if this is a good idea to max this out. I already max out my 401k and Roth IRA.
I work out a lot and am interested in things like cryotherapy, chiropractor, sports massage. Will HSA allow those things and how do you pay with it? What other things are allowed?
Is this a good idea?
submitted by /u/_ezpzlemonsqueezy
[link] [comments]Full time employee with option to put money into a HSA account. I believe up to 2-3k a year. I will have to do more research on this when I get to work but I’m not sure if you have to spend it by the end of the year or if it rolls over. My understanding is that it’s tax free and can be spent on medical expenses. I get taxed like 1k a check and I’m wondering if this is a good idea to max this out. I already max out my 401k and Roth IRA. I work out a lot and am interested in things like cryotherapy, chiropractor, sports massage. Will HSA allow those things and how do you pay with it? What other things are allowed? Is this a good idea? Thanks submitted by /u/_ezpzlemonsqueezy [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance