Water Stop Introduction Training project

Dear  Jim Quinlan – CTS,

Thank you for sharing Water Stop Introduction Training’s amazing project. It is engaging, easy to follow, has excellent graphics, and more..

Could you tell me how you were able for this High-resolution video to work so well? I didn’t experience any pause or delay as I was playing it. It is a heavy video.

Thank you,

The post Water Stop Introduction Training project appeared first on eLearning.

Dear  Jim Quinlan – CTS, Thank you for sharing Water Stop Introduction Training’s amazing project. It is engaging, easy to follow, has excellent graphics, and more.. Could you tell me how you were able for this High-resolution video to work so well? I didn’t experience any pause or delay as I was playing it. It is a heavy video. Thank you,
The post Water Stop Introduction Training project appeared first on eLearning.Read MoreDiscussion, "Elearning authoring tools", elearning projects

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