Why do people deposit money into FSAs?

The money goes up in smoke at the end of the year and you have to ask to use your own money. I don’t get it.

benefits so far-

An FSA also gives the policyholder access to full funds right at the beginning of the year.

dollars contributed pre-tax

AND, if you wind up leaving or lose your job, your employer is left holding the bag, you don’t have to pay the negative balance!

submitted by /u/bro-asking-questions
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The money goes up in smoke at the end of the year and you have to ask to use your own money. I don’t get it. ​ benefits so far- ​ An FSA also gives the policyholder access to full funds right at the beginning of the year. ​ dollars contributed pre-tax ​ ​ AND, if you wind up leaving or lose your job, your employer is left holding the bag, you don’t have to pay the negative balance!
submitted by /u/bro-asking-questions [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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