For Medi-Cal in CA, does anyone know if I can quit my job and go on Medi-Cal, or is there a waiting period after quitting my job to qualify?
I have a shoulder problem that might require surgery and Medi-Cal will make it so I pay nothing, but if I keep working and use my job’s health insurance, it will cost me a ton (at least $5000) with the doctor visits and procedures
So i want to know is it possible to quit job, go on Medi-Cal, get my shoulder fixed, then get back to work?
Or is this gaming the system?
For those in other states, what I’m describing is like quitting a job to get on Medicaid, is this allowed?
submitted by /u/wanttojoinairforce
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For Medi-Cal in CA, does anyone know if I can quit my job and go on Medi-Cal, or is there a waiting period after quitting my job to qualify? I have a shoulder problem that might require surgery and Medi-Cal will make it so I pay nothing, but if I keep working and use my job’s health insurance, it will cost me a ton (at least $5000) with the doctor visits and procedures So i want to know is it possible to quit job, go on Medi-Cal, get my shoulder fixed, then get back to work? Or is this gaming the system? For those in other states, what I’m describing is like quitting a job to get on Medicaid, is this allowed?
submitted by /u/wanttojoinairforce [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance