Can a self-employed person/business with no employees purchase group health insurance?

I’m not referring to SHOP marketplace requirements. I’d be purchasing the insurance privately through a broker. I’m trying to purchase a non-marketplace plan that has a national provider network.

I’ve been googling around and I’m reading different things. Some sources say that you need at least 1 full-time employee (group of 2). But other sources say you can actually purchase group health insurance as a “group of 1” as long as you’re profitable and are located in one of these 16 states:

Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Hawaii Iowa Louisiana Maine Massachusetts Mississippi New Hampshire New York North Carolina Rhode Island Vermont Washington

submitted by /u/TankTack
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I’m not referring to SHOP marketplace requirements. I’d be purchasing the insurance privately through a broker. I’m trying to purchase a non-marketplace plan that has a national provider network. I’ve been googling around and I’m reading different things. Some sources say that you need at least 1 full-time employee (group of 2). But other sources say you can actually purchase group health insurance as a “group of 1” as long as you’re profitable and are located in one of these 16 states:
Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Hawaii Iowa Louisiana Maine Massachusetts Mississippi New Hampshire New York North Carolina Rhode Island Vermont Washington

submitted by /u/TankTack [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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