Captivate and WordPress integration

Hi everyone, hope you are doing fine.
I have a question that has to do with Captivate and WordPress. I am creating a website to display some of the courses that I have created.
Now, I was wondering, is it possible to create a mockup of a smartphone or tablet on a website and then have a live course displayed in that mockup, so that people can play around with it on the website? I was thinking of hosting them on AWS.
Thank you all for your help!

The post Captivate and WordPress integration appeared first on eLearning.

Hi everyone, hope you are doing fine. I have a question that has to do with Captivate and WordPress. I am creating a website to display some of the courses that I have created. Now, I was wondering, is it possible to create a mockup of a smartphone or tablet on a website and then have a live course displayed in that mockup, so that people can play around with it on the website? I was thinking of hosting them
The post Captivate and WordPress integration appeared first on eLearning.Read MoreDiscussion, discussion, live, mLearning, mobile Learning, website_upload

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