Changing from a marketplace plan to one provided by my husband’s union…

So after finally working enough hours to qualify for benefits…we have the opportunity to get on the health plan provided by his union.

It’s a no brainer to do so. Premiums are paid quarterly, semi-annually, or annually…and at this point, the cost of the annual premiums is less than 3 months of premiums on the marketplace plan.

Now they do offer to be available as a dual insurance as their plans are based on number of qualifying hours worked as it’s generally all contract work…

2 questions…

Should I just switch (and how do I go about cancelling my marketplace plan?)


Can i just have the dual health coverage and A) which would be primary B) is it possible to do that with a marketplace plan, but keep the subsidies as it is affordable.

The nice thing is that I can keep my current doctors as the plan is with the same insurance company I have on the marketplace, already.

I’m not sure which way to go

I currently pay ~$203/mo on a silver plan from the marketplace.

The union plan is $600/annually.

submitted by /u/Kara-El
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So after finally working enough hours to qualify for benefits…we have the opportunity to get on the health plan provided by his union. It’s a no brainer to do so. Premiums are paid quarterly, semi-annually, or annually…and at this point, the cost of the annual premiums is less than 3 months of premiums on the marketplace plan. Now they do offer to be available as a dual insurance as their plans are based on number of qualifying hours worked as it’s generally all contract work… 2 questions… Should I just switch (and how do I go about cancelling my marketplace plan?) Or Can i just have the dual health coverage and A) which would be primary B) is it possible to do that with a marketplace plan, but keep the subsidies as it is affordable. The nice thing is that I can keep my current doctors as the plan is with the same insurance company I have on the marketplace, already. I’m not sure which way to go I currently pay ~$203/mo on a silver plan from the marketplace. The union plan is $600/annually.
submitted by /u/Kara-El [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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