Which one would you pick, Kaiser minimum coverage HMO and Bronze HMO?

Hi all! I will be getting a health insurance for my brother, he is 26, and a healthy individual. Rarely goes to hospital, therefore doesn’t really wants to pay too much for the insurance. But I am insisting to get a good one for him just in case. Unfortunately, I don’t really know the difference between these two plans. So would be happy if you guys let me know about your thoughts! Which one would you guys pick? Thank you!

(Minimum – $199/mo, Bronze-$262/mo)

submitted by /u/Ok-Razzmatazz5160
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Hi all! I will be getting a health insurance for my brother, he is 26, and a healthy individual. Rarely goes to hospital, therefore doesn’t really wants to pay too much for the insurance. But I am insisting to get a good one for him just in case. Unfortunately, I don’t really know the difference between these two plans. So would be happy if you guys let me know about your thoughts! Which one would you guys pick? Thank you! (Minimum – $199/mo, Bronze-$262/mo)
submitted by /u/Ok-Razzmatazz5160 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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