Health insurance confusing nightmare

Hi all. I’m helping my niece to get health insurance. She is 26 now and so off of her parent’s health insurance. I’ve never had to purchase health insurance myself because it is provided by my employer. I’ve researched online between Obama Care, Medicaid and some new thing called Healthy Michigan Plan. After 3 days of pulling out my hair and complete confusion, I still don’t know what she qualifies for or what to choose. So much conflicting info…one site says Medicaid DOES pay for prescriptions and another says they DON’T. I tried to see if she qualifies for Medicaid but I cannot figure out the FPL formula for her wages or whatever. From what I can tell neither Obama Care or Medicaid pay for psychiatrist visits (for her Adderall) but like I said this has been daunting and extremely confusing.

ANY help would be appreciated as I’d like to have her signed up for something before Friday night. The deadline for enrollment is approaching fast.

Nieces info:
Age 26
No kids
Macomb, MI
$19,425 annual wages
certainly cannot afford the $8500 deductible for Obama Care plan

rarely gets sick
has SEVERE ADHD so she takes Adderall

Thanks for any help provided

submitted by /u/CyberninjaX
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Hi all. I’m helping my niece to get health insurance. She is 26 now and so off of her parent’s health insurance. I’ve never had to purchase health insurance myself because it is provided by my employer. I’ve researched online between Obama Care, Medicaid and some new thing called Healthy Michigan Plan. After 3 days of pulling out my hair and complete confusion, I still don’t know what she qualifies for or what to choose. So much conflicting info…one site says Medicaid DOES pay for prescriptions and another says they DON’T. I tried to see if she qualifies for Medicaid but I cannot figure out the FPL formula for her wages or whatever. From what I can tell neither Obama Care or Medicaid pay for psychiatrist visits (for her Adderall) but like I said this has been daunting and extremely confusing. ANY help would be appreciated as I’d like to have her signed up for something before Friday night. The deadline for enrollment is approaching fast. Nieces info: Age 26 Single No kids Macomb, MI $19,425 annual wages certainly cannot afford the $8500 deductible for Obama Care plan rarely gets sick has SEVERE ADHD so she takes Adderall Thanks for any help provided
submitted by /u/CyberninjaX [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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