How to cover 11 days before Medicaid eligibility

Hey guys, I’m a soon-to-be American returnee from Germany. Last time I was living in America, I was still on my parents’ health insurance, so I’ve never had to deal with American insurance myself and am looking for some help.

I’m moving to Virginia on April 19, but still technically employed in Germany on paid vacation until April 30th. I don’t have a new job lined up yet, so by my understanding, I should be able to hop on Medicaid once I am unemployed starting on May 1st. I’m just trying to figure out how to bridge the gap on the 11 days between my arrival on April 19th and my Medicaid eligibility on May 1st.

Is anything stopping me from buying a Marketplace plan for those 11 days, then switching to Medicaid on May 1st once I’m unemployed? Can I immediately terminate my paid healthcare plan once I am eligible for Medicaid?

Or would it be smarter to just look at some term/travel insurance for those couple weeks? Any recommendations on that front?

I don’t expect to need any treatment for this period, just looking for something to cover my ass in case I have some medical catastrophe in that short period of time before Medicaid kicks in.

Thanks for any guidance!

submitted by /u/Ttabts
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Hey guys, I’m a soon-to-be American returnee from Germany. Last time I was living in America, I was still on my parents’ health insurance, so I’ve never had to deal with American insurance myself and am looking for some help. I’m moving to Virginia on April 19, but still technically employed in Germany on paid vacation until April 30th. I don’t have a new job lined up yet, so by my understanding, I should be able to hop on Medicaid once I am unemployed starting on May 1st. I’m just trying to figure out how to bridge the gap on the 11 days between my arrival on April 19th and my Medicaid eligibility on May 1st. Is anything stopping me from buying a Marketplace plan for those 11 days, then switching to Medicaid on May 1st once I’m unemployed? Can I immediately terminate my paid healthcare plan once I am eligible for Medicaid? Or would it be smarter to just look at some term/travel insurance for those couple weeks? Any recommendations on that front? I don’t expect to need any treatment for this period, just looking for something to cover my ass in case I have some medical catastrophe in that short period of time before Medicaid kicks in. Thanks for any guidance!
submitted by /u/Ttabts [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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