I likely have Appendicitis, but have no Health Insurance. How do I avoid a crazy hospital bill?

Hi r/HealthInsurance, I’d like some advice.

Unfortunately, due to COVID, my mom and I had to cancel our health insurance, with the hope that nothing medically bad would happen.

I suspect I have appendicitis, as I have pain in my lower right abdomen, and bloating.

Now, I know little to nothing about insurance. Do I have to bite the bullet and just pay 10’s of thousands of dollars in medical fees, or would I be able to somehow get insurance and then be treated for this?

If the answer is the latter, I can probably tough out the next few days of this. Or maybe schedule just a checkup which I can likely pay for; How expensive could that be? lol

submitted by /u/just_a_username_12
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Hi r/HealthInsurance, I’d like some advice. Unfortunately, due to COVID, my mom and I had to cancel our health insurance, with the hope that nothing medically bad would happen. I suspect I have appendicitis, as I have pain in my lower right abdomen, and bloating. Now, I know little to nothing about insurance. Do I have to bite the bullet and just pay 10’s of thousands of dollars in medical fees, or would I be able to somehow get insurance and then be treated for this? If the answer is the latter, I can probably tough out the next few days of this. Or maybe schedule just a checkup which I can likely pay for; How expensive could that be? lol
submitted by /u/just_a_username_12 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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