Need help, no insurance, and got hospitalized. What to do?

Sorry, it happened to my best friend and I’m not sure what to do.

He’s (35, unemployed, 60612) on unemployment benefits so he couldn’t get Medicare. Also, he only gets paid 1200/months and pays lots of bills (he supports other family members), so he was never able to afford his own health insurance.

He just got admitted to the hospital due to pulmonary embolism. And he will need to stay in the hospital for a few days, and he is refusing as he will not be able to pay for the hospital costs.

Is there any way that he can do in regards to health insurance? He’s devastated (he already has so many responsibilities and I’m worried this will break him mentally and physically. He is already very depressive and I’m so worried about him.)

Please help….

submitted by /u/Muddy53
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Sorry, it happened to my best friend and I’m not sure what to do. He’s (35, unemployed, 60612) on unemployment benefits so he couldn’t get Medicare. Also, he only gets paid 1200/months and pays lots of bills (he supports other family members), so he was never able to afford his own health insurance. He just got admitted to the hospital due to pulmonary embolism. And he will need to stay in the hospital for a few days, and he is refusing as he will not be able to pay for the hospital costs. Is there any way that he can do in regards to health insurance? He’s devastated (he already has so many responsibilities and I’m worried this will break him mentally and physically. He is already very depressive and I’m so worried about him.) Please help….
submitted by /u/Muddy53 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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