Hi /healthinsurance,
After looking through the Wiki, it was a little unclear how ‘Personal’ insurance differs, if at all, from buying insurance for myself via my corporation.
Are there any additional benefits such as different coverages, monthly cost, deductibles?
State: California (SF Bay Area)
Age: Turning 30 Next Year
Health: No Preexisting conditions, low use
Income: $100k+
submitted by /u/westcoastCommerce
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Hi /healthinsurance, After looking through the Wiki, it was a little unclear how ‘Personal’ insurance differs, if at all, from buying insurance for myself via my corporation. Are there any additional benefits such as different coverages, monthly cost, deductibles? State: California (SF Bay Area) Age: Turning 30 Next Year Health: No Preexisting conditions, low use Income: $100k+
submitted by /u/westcoastCommerce [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance