Thoughts on HDHP + HSA for Young and Healthy (CoveredCA)

Shopping around for Health Insurance. I wanted an account with an HSA so I can use it as an additional investment vehicle, plus savings in case of any health expenses.

Some background

25 (about to leave parents’ insurance). Male, living in California (LA). Rarely visit the doctor, maybe once in the past 3 years? I’m self-employed so no access to employer accounts. 15k saved in an emergency fund. No dependents. I travel for work so I want to make sure coverage supports me whenever I’m out of state. I don’t have a PCP, and tbh I’m not too picky on doctors so I’m happy going with whatever insurance recommends.

To me, it seems like the lowest-cost version would be the best since I have savings to back up any additional healthcare costs that could arise. I’ve narrowed it down to the following 3, since they all accept HSAs. Is there any reason not to go with Kaiser if I’m not too worried about any funds up to the deductible? There’s about $1,000 difference between Kaiser and BlueCA. With rarely ever visiting the doctor it almost seems that money is better spent in savings or invested. Is a PPO worth the extra from the HMO?

Provider Kaiser Bronze 60 HDHP HMO Healthnet Bronze 60 HDHP PPO BlueCA Bronze 60 HDHP PPO
Monthly Premium $231.58 $286.82 $312.16
Deductible $7,000 $7,000 $7,000
Out of Pocket Max $7,000 $7,000 $7,000

Thanks for any thoughts you have! Just trying to make sense of all this.

submitted by /u/la_photo_guy
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Shopping around for Health Insurance. I wanted an account with an HSA so I can use it as an additional investment vehicle, plus savings in case of any health expenses. Some background 25 (about to leave parents’ insurance). Male, living in California (LA). Rarely visit the doctor, maybe once in the past 3 years? I’m self-employed so no access to employer accounts. 15k saved in an emergency fund. No dependents. I travel for work so I want to make sure coverage supports me whenever I’m out of state. I don’t have a PCP, and tbh I’m not too picky on doctors so I’m happy going with whatever insurance recommends. To me, it seems like the lowest-cost version would be the best since I have savings to back up any additional healthcare costs that could arise. I’ve narrowed it down to the following 3, since they all accept HSAs. Is there any reason not to go with Kaiser if I’m not too worried about any funds up to the deductible? There’s about $1,000 difference between Kaiser and BlueCA. With rarely ever visiting the doctor it almost seems that money is better spent in savings or invested. Is a PPO worth the extra from the HMO? ​

Provider Kaiser Bronze 60 HDHP HMO Healthnet Bronze 60 HDHP PPO BlueCA Bronze 60 HDHP PPO

Monthly Premium $231.58 $286.82 $312.16

Deductible $7,000 $7,000 $7,000

Out of Pocket Max $7,000 $7,000 $7,000

Thanks for any thoughts you have! Just trying to make sense of all this.
submitted by /u/la_photo_guy [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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