When does employer health insurance end and would I be eligible for Medicaid?

This is in MD. Single adult no dependents. Hourly income, amounts to $45k annually

I’m quitting my job soon because of illness. I have some procedures like an MRI scheduled in 1 month (let’s say around December 15). Let’s say I quit on December 1st. Will employer health insurance coverage end on December 1st? I want to consider Cobra depending on the costs. If I sign up for cobra, will it retroactively cover any gaps between December 1st and December 15? After I quit my income will be zero. Will this make me eligible for Medicaid?

submitted by /u/SixtyMileLoop
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This is in MD. Single adult no dependents. Hourly income, amounts to $45k annually I’m quitting my job soon because of illness. I have some procedures like an MRI scheduled in 1 month (let’s say around December 15). Let’s say I quit on December 1st. Will employer health insurance coverage end on December 1st? I want to consider Cobra depending on the costs. If I sign up for cobra, will it retroactively cover any gaps between December 1st and December 15? After I quit my income will be zero. Will this make me eligible for Medicaid?
submitted by /u/SixtyMileLoop [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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